Il sito Firingsquad ha dato uno sguardo a quello che sarà il 2007 su console e PC, stilando rispettivamente una top 20 dei titoli più attesi. Scopriamola insieme, in modo segnarci le date e non perdere il filo in questo 2007 che si annuncia ricco di novità:
Giochi PC
20: Left 4 Dead (Turtle Rock Studios: Sometime In 2007)
19. Pirates of the Burning Sea (Flying Lab Software: Mid 2007)
18. Medal of Honor: Airborne (Electronic Arts: Mid 2007)
17. Age of Conan (Funcom-Eidos: First Half of 2007)
16. Frontlines: Fuel of War: (Kaos Studios-THQ: Summer 2007)
15. Shadowrun (FASA Studios-Microsoft: Sometime in 2007)
14. Vanguard: Saga of Heroes (Sigil Games: First Quarter of 2007)
13. Command and Conquer 3 (Electronic Arts: March 2007)
12. Lord of the Rings Online
11. Hellgate London
10. Warhammer Online (Mythic-EA: Late 2007)
9. Bioshock (Irrational Games-2K Games: First Half of 2007)
8. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow Of Chernobyl (GSC GameWorld-THQ: March 2007)
7. Half-Life 2: Episode 2/Portal/Team Fortress 2 (Valve: Summer 2007)
6. Unreal Tournament 2007: (Epic-Midway: Sometime in 2007)
5. Supreme Commander (Gas Powered Games-THQ: March 2007)
4. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (Splash Damage-id Software-Activision: First Half of 2007)
3. World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade (Blizzard: January 2007)
2. Spore (Maxis-EA: Second Half Of 2007)
1. Crysis: (Crytek-EA: Sometime in 2007)
Giochi console
20. Forza Motorsport 2 (Xbox 360; Microsoft – First Half Of 2007)

19. Stranglehold (Xbox 360-PS3; Midway – First Half Of 2007)
18. Crackdown (Xbox 360; Real Time Worlds-Microsoft-February 2007)
17. Heavenly Sword (PS3; Sony-Sometime In 2007)
16. The Darkness (PS3-Xbox 360: Starbreeze-2K Games- First Half Of 2007)
15. Mercenaries 2 (PS3-Xbox 360: Pandemic –Sometime In 2007)
14. Virtua Fighter 5 (PS3-Xbox 360: Sega-February; Late Summer 2007)
13. God of War 2 (PS2-Sony: First Half Of 2007)
12. Devil May Cry 4 (PS3-Capcom: First Half Of 2007)
11. Motorstorm (PS3-Evolution Studios-Sony: First Half Of 2007)
10. Assassin’s Creed (PS3-Xbox 360: UbiSoft-Sometime In 2007)
9. Lost Planet (Xbox 360: Capcom-January 2007)
8. Burnout 5 (PS3-Xbox 360: Criterion-Electronic Arts- March 2007)
7. Mass Effect (Xbox 360: BioWare-Microsoft:-First Half of 2007)
6. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii: Nintendo-Sometime In 2007)
5. Metroid Prime 3 (Wii: Nintendo- First Half Of 2007)
4. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii: Nintendo-Sometime in 2007)
3.Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS2 Kojima Studios-Konami - Late in 2007)
2. Grand Theft Auto 4 (PS3-Xbox 360: Rockstar Games - October 2007)
1. Halo 3 (Xbox 360: Bungie-Microsoft: Late 2007)
Articoli completi:
Top 20 giochi PC
Fonte: TomsHW

Fonte: TomsHW